Saturday, January 06, 2007

In Rome Finally

Ok I managed to get on a flight last night, after upgrading to Business Class, so I made it to Rome this evening, and just checked into my hotel.

I'm in room 108 until tomorrow night.

The plan for tomorrow is Mass at the Sistine Chapel with Pope Benedict XVI (if they let me in) then lunch and make a plan for the rest of the day, probably not a whole lot.

My international number is:

011-372-5312-7928 (This is an Estonia mobile number and will cost about $0.30/minute depending on your long distance plan).

I'm going to keep this blog updated with notes and pictures so check here from time to time.

-- Matt


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Be careful and enjoy yourself in Europe. Glad you took the time to start this blog. I hope you keep it up to date as best as you can. Europe has many internet cafes (more than the US), so I'm thinking you have many opportunities to keep this up.

I blogged about your blog on mine. So it's now for you to deliver buddy!

God bless,


6:23 PM  

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